Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Book: Timperley Old Hall - the excavation of the moated platform

Timperley Old Hall moat is one of the oldest inhabited places in Trafford.  Stone tools indicate prehistoric activity in the Neolithic and early Bronze Ages.  The site was re-used again, briefly, in the mid-Saxon period.  From the 13th to the 18th centuries it was the home of the de Timperleigh, de Mascy and Brereton families. It fell into decay during the 18th century and was demolished by 1800.  Between 1989 and 1996 excavations revealed thousands of medieval aretacts, the foundation for the hall, and a timber-lined well.  In 2010, a community archaeology project, led by the South Trafford Archaeological Group, set out to rediscover the ancient manorial site and to make the remains accessible to the general public.  This booklet records the progress of that project as the 21st century inhabitants of Timperley explore the archaeology of the old hall and the history of some of its 
 occupants, making this ancient site available to a wider public.

If it appears on this blog, there is, of course, some brick or tile interest.  Here it appears in the form of some glazed ridge tile! (see above)

This publication is number 8 of the Greater Manchester's Past Revealed series, which comprise a growing collection of full-colour, nicely detailed, booklets about various aspect of archaeology in the area.  The cost is a very reseaonable £5.00.  The ISBN is 095659474-3.  A search on the Web did not find any details of how to obtain this particular booklet, but it was published by the Centre for Applied Archaeology at the Unversity of Salford. 

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