Thursday, December 15, 2005

York Brick and Tile: archaeology & history

Went to the University of York's Centre for Lifelong Learning's Christmas lunch today. They invited the tutors along, which was great. I met my friend Marjorie Harrison, who is running a course called Country Life. btw, you can find her local history books on Amazon UK, or better still drop me a line and I'll tell you how to contact her direct. And also chatted with others, such as geologist Tony Benfield and historian Ivison Wheatley.

It looks like my course will be going ahead. Eight brave students have signed up so far, which makes the course viable! So after lunch, I photocopied the course programme and a York brick and tile identificaiton booklet, sorted out the course web, and hit the library for a couple of articles I've been after. Phew!

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